Grimethorpe Youth Development Workshop

Grimethorpe Colliery Band will extend its youth development and education programme another Brass & Percussion workshop in Barnsley next month. The free event will take place on Saturday 3rd February at Barnsley Civic (S70 2HZ) with a full day (9.30am – 3.30pm) of great music making and inspirational teaching scheduled for youngsters of all. There will be small ensemble tuition, sectional and full rehearsals on a wide range of music which will culminate in a short concert at 3.00pm.

The events have already proven to be very popular with an inclusive atmosphere and safeguarding in place. Places are limited, so you need to be quick to book a spot. Education lead Jim Fletcher stated, "As always, it will be a fantastic day giving as many children as we can a free, high-quality experience to take back to their own bands, schools and services. Our thanks go to the incredibly supportive local music services, in particular Alex Francis and his team at Barnsley Music Service who have helped us with the venue and the running of the event."

To apply, please visit: 


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