Harry Mortimer’s cornet is gifted to Foden’s

Foden's Band is delighted to be the recipient of a donated Harry Mortimer's Besson Class A cornet from Keith Hollinshead. The cornet, which dates back to between 1925 and 1926, will now take up its place in the museum at Foden’s’ bandroom.

Harry Mortimer joined Foden's in 1924 and it is believed he played on this very instrument throughout the rest of his playing career, including the 'double hat-tricks' with the band in the 1930s. Visit the band’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mark.wilkinson.73/videos/2443527805807817 to listen to Principal Cornet Mark Wilkinson as he plays one of Harry's most popular solos, 'Il Bacio' and explores the instrument, case and even the spit rag.


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