South Wales Youth Band head to Malmö


After proudly representing the nation at the 2022 European Youth Championships in Birmingham the South Wales Youth Band's management team were determined to enable the youngsters to experience the event further afield, and almost immediately started to prepare for their trip to Sweden. The size of the task, including raising nearly £30,000 to meet the travel and accommodation expenses involved, was huge, but they did not shy away from the challenge. 

Band spokesperson Angela Westacott stated, “Birmingham was a turning point for us all and an experience we wanted the youngsters to enjoy again. The sense of achievement and enjoyment in being part of the European Championships was amazing. The challenges have been huge, not just the financial ones, but thanks to the amazing support of families and friends, businesses, and successful grant applications we have made it. We will now be able to fly the Welsh flag proudly alongside Cory and Tredegar.”


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