Dutch Youth Debut

Conductors Paul Holland and Erik van de Kolk led the inaugural concert performance of the newly formed Nederlandse Jeugd Brass Band (Dutch Youth Brass Band) last weekend at the concert hall of the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra in Hilversum. The concert was the culmination of an ambitious initiative by trombonist Siebren van Noort and cornet player Melvin van der Vis of Brassband Schoonhoven, who were inspired by the success of other national youth bands around Europe. 

Melvin explained, "At present there is no government arts funded organisation such as that in the UK, so we took the opportunity to start things ourselves and build on the foundations of this weekend. The response from young players was amazing and all have paid themselves to be part of it, including two fantastic weekends of rehearsals under Paul and Erik. We feel Dutch brass banding should have a youth band, one that can strengthen our movement by involving the next generation of players."

The concert repertoire was ambitious and gave the young Dutch musicians plenty of opportunities to show their mettle, with performances of powerhouse pieces such as 'Spiriti' by Thomas Doss and Peter Graham's 'On the Shoulders of Giants'. Besson supported the event and Melvin was keen to add his thanks stating, "We can't thank Paul or Erik enough, they have really inspired the players, and Besson's support has been crucial. It shows that they feel this is such an important initiative for Dutch banding."


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