Help Preserve NYBBGB’s Heritage


The National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain has been selected to participate in the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2022, the UK’s largest match funding campaign. Funding Development Manager, Louise Shaw explained, “The project we're raising money for is our new Library and Archive - preserving our library of 800 sets of brass band music and historical archive of programmes, photographs and other memorabilia for future generations. Last year, thanks to generous supporters, the Big Give campaign raised over £22 million for participating charities, and this year we would love to hit our target of £2000, which will be matched to a total of £4000.” 

Louise continued, “Donations made to the project via will be doubled during the campaign. If you would like to support our work this year, we highly recommend doing so during the Christmas Challenge, when your donation will be doubled and make even more of a difference to us.”

Donations to the project will be matched for 7 days from 12 pm on 29th November, #GivingTuesday; so, one donation, equals twice the impact and a great way to support the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain whilst making your donation work harder.


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