Support offered by BBE to European Representatives


Brass Bands England will offer a significant package of support for member organisations qualifying for the European Brass Band Championships in future years. The package will see qualifying bands becoming eligible for free access to the organisation’s Project Management service, which includes support on fundraising, logistics and public relations. 

Speaking about this new development, BBE’s Chief Executive Officer, Kenny Crookston, commented: “We are delighted to be able to announce this package of support for member bands representing England, including those taking part in the European Youth Brass Band Contest. BBE will provide each organisation with assistance with formulating funding bids from our Fundraising Manager, Pamela Johnson, logistical support from Project Officer Jess Wilson, and the services of our Marketing Department, led by Digital Marketing Manager Clair Donnelly."

He added: "Attending the European Championships is a complex, demanding and expensive undertaking, so we are keen to offer whatever assistance we can give to make our representatives' experiences more fulfilling. This will also help in some way to relieve the burden of finance and organisation for bands' management teams, as well as maximising the positive publicity that can be generated from representing their country in an international event. The 2024 Championship Section representative will qualify from this weekend's British Open in Birmingham but free access to this service will also be available to those attending the 2023 event in Malmo, Sweden."

Eligible bands will be contacted individually with the full details of the package.


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