NYBBGB invites applications for Alumni Chair


The National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain celebrate its 70th anniversary this year is trying to link up with as many former alumni as possible. Funding Development Manager Louise Shaw, stated, "We've been working hard to connect with former members and associates of the band. The results have been highly encouraging which resulted in some fabulous work and bringing about the formation of The NYBBGB Alumni and Associates committee."

An Alumni and Associate online registration form has already attracted nearly 600 members to a Facebook group, whilst interest has been further captured by the concert given by the National Youth Brass Band Reunion Band at the Butlins Festival of Brass. CEO Mark Bromley added: "The formulation of the Alumni and Associate committee is very exciting and what we've found is that there is a vast amount of love and support for the band."

The Alumni and Associates are now inviting applications for a chairperson to lead the new committee. Those interested can contact Louise Shaw on louise.shaw@nybbgb.org.uk The closing date for applications is Friday the 4th March. In addition, the newly formed group are inviting Alumni and Associate players to form a band for a reunion as part of the Easter course in Harrogate. The day will include a welcome reception, an opportunity to see a private rehearsal with the NYBBGB, food and time to rehearse and perform with the NYBBGB reunion band.

Tickets available: https://bit.ly/nybbgbalumnireunion 

If you are an Alumni or Associate of the band, please register your details here (this includes Chairperson applications): www.nybbgb.org.uk/about/alumni/signup 

You can find the Alumni and Associates Facebook page here:  www.facebook.com/groups/nybbgb.alumni


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