Australian Nationals Test Piece Announcement

Peter Graham, Gareth Wood, Thierry Deleruyelle and Jan van der Roost are the composers of the works set to test the competing bands at the 2022 Australian National Championships. The 2022 event will be presented in an innovative way being held remotely around a number of locations throughout the country, with the tag line 'Play locally, compete nationally'. 

Commenting on the decision on the launch of the website for the event, Dr. Paul De Cinque, the President of the NBCA stated, "We were all disappointed in 2020 when the Perth Nationals were cancelled with only a week’s notice. Since then, the world has changed dramatically, and the effects of COVID-19 continue to be felt in our country. Our 2022 model is to ‘play locally, compete nationally,’ allowing for bands to play at the nationals without having to leave their own state. We will be announcing our venues across the country in the weeks to come. We can't wait for 2023 when we hope to run our first in-person live contest after COVID, but we believe that this model is the next best thing in the meantime."

Test Pieces:
A Grade: Dynasty (Peter Graham)
B Grade: Brass Triumphant (Gareth Wood)
C Grade: Viking Age (Thierry Deleruyelle)
D Grade: Parnassus (Jan van der Roost)
Junior A Grade Brass: Variations on Laudate Dominum (revised version) (Edward Gregson)
Junior B Grade Brass: Partita (Edward Gregson)
Junior C Grade Brass: An Irish Folk Song Suite (arr. Rob Hume)

Further informationabout the event can be found at:


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