Brass bands centre stage at National Coal Mining Museum

A special event held today (Saturday 24 July) saw top brass bands performing for free to visitors at the National Coal Mining Museum in Wakefield. The event was organised in partnership with Brass Bands England and marked the opening of a new museum exhibition, Gala Day!, which explores over 200 years of Miners’ Galas. 

An application process for the event saw bands pitch a programme in order to take part. The bands chosen to perform were Hammonds Band, Hade Edge Band and Lofthouse 2000. Visitors exploring the museum were also able to hear the bands playing in various locations across the site, including the Power House, Pithead Baths, the Summer Beach, and the Pit Yard. BBE's Alex Parker said, "For hundreds of years, brass bands were an integral part of the community around mine-working, and gala days were an important part of that. We're really glad to be part of recreating that sense of occasion and celebration at this special event at the home of the coal mining industry."

Katie Cavanagh, Head of Engagement and Curation for the Museum said, "We are thrilled to have teamed up with Brass Bands England in order to highlight the historical significance of bands in the coal mining industry.” Showcasing a range of objects from the museum’s collection, the Gala Day! exhibition will remain on show until March 2022. To find out more about gala days you can view this video ‘Brass Bands, Collieries and The Grand Day Out’ at The performances are part funded thanks to the government's cultural recovery funding received by Brass Bands England and the organisers would like to express their thanks to the DCMS and the Arts Council for making them possible.


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