UniBrass opens doors for AGM

The UniBrass Foundation is opening its doors on Sunday 21st February for the charities’ annual general meeting. Starting at 10:30am, presentations will be given on the work of the charity, along with a financial report for the preceding year, it will end with the opportunity to ask questions to the current board of trustees.

Typically held the day after the annual UniBrass contest, the current restrictions have forced the meeting online. This has meant, however, that the UniBrass Foundation can extend an open invitation to members of the brass band community and to those who have an interest in the work of the organisation. Despite a particularly challenging year, the charity is about to recruit new trustees, and actively encourages people with a keen interest to attend the AGM. This will also give you a chance to discover the new and exciting projects the charity and contest organising committee have been able to embark on during the pandemic.

Anyone interested in attending is asked to register at www.unibrass.co.uk/agm, and a zoom link will be sent out nearer the time. For further information, or for any other queries, the trustees can be contacted on foundation@unibrass.co.uk.


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