IBBSS to Party on Zoom

Although the International Brass Band Summer School has been cancelled this year, delegates who usually enjoy the sun, sea and brass at Swansea will still get a chance to ‘party’ together on August 2nd and 3rd.

Delegates will be able to enjoy a number of outstanding Geneva 'Virtual Recitals' from Richard Marshall, Zoe Lovatt-Cooper, Brett Baker and Daniel Thomas, as well as accompanying Q & A sessions. Getting together for some post-recital fun will also be possible through IBBSS 'Zoom parties' in the virtual bar.

Course Director Prof Nicholas Childs commented, "In these challenging times we were disappointed that we had to cancel the course in Swansea, but we were determined to ensure that we stayed connected to our wonderfully supportive delegates. We've been working hard to come up with new ideas and innovative ways to retain the unique atmosphere of inclusion and support that we encourage on the course, and these new plans will add to that I'm sure.”

Contact Course Administrator, Alison Childs at alison4horn@btinternet.com or send via Facebook: @ibbsshq for further details.


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