Jake Thorpe wins A4 Composing Prize


A4 Brass Quartet has announced the results of its Third annual composition competition. The competition attracted entries from across nine different countries, creating a difficult decision for the group and expert judges, Bramwell Tovey and Edward Gregson to select a winner.

This year’s winner, awarded a cash prize of £400, is Jake Thorpe, a student at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. His piece ‘Cottonopolis’ inspired by Manchester, as per the set brief, reflects the industrial textile history of the city.

Previous finalist, Andrew Champion, was chosen as runner-up with his work, ‘The Manchester Ballads’ and awarded £150. Derri Joseph Lewis, also of the RWCMD, received £100 for ‘Madchester’ as winner of the Under 24 category.

A spokesperson for the ensemble stated, “We received such a wide variety of inspiration sources and it was yet again a great pleasure to see and hear so much fantastic new music.”


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