125th BBC Proms in Jeopardy


Many iconic events around the globe have been cancelled, postponed and reinvented in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The BBC Proms is sadly another cultural paragon that has been affected. The BBC Proms released the following statement:

“Like all cultural organisations, we at the BBC Proms are currently dealing with unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. We are hoping that the proms will be part of the summer this year, although that will involve adapting and changing the festival we originally planned. We are working hard to find the best way to deliver Sir Henry Wood’s mission to make the best classical music available to the widest possible audience.

“Due to the current situation we are delaying the announcement of our season, the publication of the Official Proms Guide and tickets won’t be going on sale on 16 May as had been planned. We are closely following developing news and guidance from the government and public health authorities, and will update everyone with our plans for the 125th anniversary season of the Proms by the end of May. Our number one priority will always be the safety of everyone involved with, and attending the Proms.

“All of us at the BBC Proms stand with music lovers everywhere and cultural friends and artists around the world affected by COVID-19.”


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