Bates to MD Wantage

Wantage Band has announced that Jonathan Bates will be at the helm as they compete at the the Wychavon Festival of Brass in November and Butlins Mineworkers Championship in January.
Jonny has worked alongside Paul Holland for a number of months and is looking forward to adding his own inimitable style of music making to the band, before passing the baton back to Paul. Commenting on the appointment he stated, "Wantage are a great example of how brass bands need to be setup to thrive, not only with the community and youth initiatives under the organisation's 'umbrella', but the openness and commitment to new musical ideas and projects mixed with a driven and team-based work ethic. I'm thoroughly enjoying working with the band and looking forward to the next few months."
Band Manager, Sam Wyne is equally pleased with the appointment stating, "The band will be competing in the Grand Shield next year and these two important contests are great for our preparation. Jonny is fantastic and we are enjoying working with him. With some new players joining us this Autumn and some fresh blood taking on responsibility in the band's management, it's certainly going to be an exciting year ahead."

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