Westacott returns to Brighouse

The Brighouse & Rastrick Band is pleased to announce to signing of Rob Westacott on Soprano Cornet with immediate effect. Fresh from Brighouse and Rastrick’s appearance at the Europeans, Rob was an invaluable addition to the front row team. Having only left the band on a permanent position in 2017, Rob enjoyed his return so much that the Band and him are excited for his new venture on soprano. 

Commenting on his new position, Rob said, “I am delighted to be joining Brighouse & Rastrick on a permanent seat again. The atmosphere in the band room is electric at the moment and I am excited to be working under Professor David King and Dr. David Thornton once again. I’m looking forward to the musical challenges on the soprano.”
Commenting on behalf of B&R, Dr. David Thornton said, “The current B&R team is a fantastic mix of experience and youthful talent. Rob Westacott rejoins the band and most certainly adds great quality to our cornet line-up. With the high profile performances we have coming up it’ll be fantastic to have a player that will slot in to our concepts of sound so easily; a great player, a great bandsman.”

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