Arts Council England announces Foden's as successful applicants for a share of £2.8 million resilience and sustainability fund 

Foden’s Band have announced that they have been successful in obtaining funding through Arts Council England’s National Lottery funded 'Catalyst programme'. The band have been awarded £17,819 towards a total project cost of £20,875. 

The project is to enhance Strategic Organisational Development within the organisation. The project will make the organisation more stable and resilient with opportunities for Foden’s Band to engage in a Peer Development/Peer Mentoring Programme and offer these opportunities as part of its on-going organisational development. The project will see the band develop a network of local and regional partnerships and will work proactively to seek collaborative working. Foden’s will also undertake a governance review and develop a Funding Strategic Plan for 2018-2023. 

The funding bid was led by Carole Hirst who also secured Foden’s Band funding through Arts Council England’s National Lottery funded 'Grants for the Arts programme' in May 2016 and Heritage Lottery Funding through the 'Our Heritage Programme' in December 2016. Carole will project manage the Catalyst Funding Bid providing support and mentoring to Mark Wilkinson, Foden’s Band Manager on strategic organisational development. 

The project will commence on 1st March 2018 and will run until 30 Nov 2019. Foden's are the only organisation connected to the brass band movement to be awarded this funding. 

The Arts Council England Catalyst Small Grants Programme is a fund where grants from £10,000 to £30,000 could be applied for to build fundraising capacity and encourage more private giving to arts and culture resulting in improved financial resilience support. 117 grants have been awarded giving £2.8 million nationally to medium sized organisations.  

Jane Beardsworth, Director North, Arts Council England said, “I’m delighted that Foden’s Band has been successful in its application to our Catalyst programme. We have supported a wide range of different types of organisations through Catalyst and this award will help Foden’s secure its future.” 

Speaking about the Funding award Mark Wilkinson commented "Foden’s would like to thank Carole Hirst for helping collate and submit this successful application on the back of two previous funding awards. I am looking forward to working with the band committee and Carole Hirst on this high profile project developing various strategies. The funding will also be used to look into ways to increase our fundraising and sponsorship capabilities." 
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