BBW’s CD of the Year Awards

Having researched a wide variety of band and solo CDs released between November 2015 and 15 October 2016, BBW Editor, David Childs, nominated six discs to be considered for each CD of the Year Award category: Band CD and Solo CD.

An expert panel of judges for each category with BBW’s Chief Contributor, Christopher Thomas as the Chair of both, was then assembled. Each panel member was sent copies of the relevant discs and, following extensive listening, was asked to submit their results by ranking the discs in order from one to six. The rankings assigned to each disc by panel members were then combined, with the lowest total determining the winner. In the event of a tied result, the Chair had the final decision, but no tied results occurred on this occasion.

Featured in November 2016's BBW, find out about the nominations, the judges, and the winners by subscribing to BBW Digital. Alternatively, subscribe to the printed magazine delivered by post: £40 (UK); £68 (Europe); £81 (Rest of the World)

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