BBW Interview: Ian Bousfield

Christopher Thomas interviews Ian Bousfield, international trombone soloist and former Principal Trombone of the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Symphony and Hallé orchestras, and a band currently celebrating its 80th anniversary – ‘Yorkshire Imps’

As a former Principal Trombone of the Hallè, London Symphony and Vienna Philharmonic orchestras, Ian Bousfield is a legend amongst orchestral trombonists and a man firmly rooted in the brass band tradition, having cut his teeth with the Yorkshire Imperial Band from the tender age of 14. Now enjoying a multi-tiered musical career as soloist, teacher, conductor and clinician, arguably Yorkshire Imperial Band’s most prolific alumni managed to find a gap in his hectic schedule to talk about his glittering career and memories of those days playing in brass bands.    

Read this interview in full, featured in November 2016’s BBW, by subscribing to BBW Digital. Alternatively, subscribe to the printed magazine delivered by post: £40 (UK); £68 (Europe); £81 (Rest of the World)

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