Geoffrey Brand at 90

The inspirational luminary elder statesman, Geoffrey Brand, reaches 90 in May – read the following extract of Dr. Robert Childs’s interview about the man and his music at 90. Extract from Dr. Robert Childs’s article:

‘I’ve known Geoffrey Brand for most of my life, I played under him in the NYBBGB and GUS Footwear Band in the ‘70s. We both remain councillors and trustees of the NYBBGB, and therefore talk on a regular basis. Nevertheless, I still find him a fascinating and inspirational man. He has been involved in so many aspects of the music business including: conducting, publishing, BBC producing, professional trumpet playing, Salvation Army, military, record producer, educator and entrepreneur. Let’s start at the beginning…’

For more of the interview on the fascinating Geoffrey Brand along with tributes from Bramwell Tovey and David Hirst, plus Geoffrey’s roll call of honours, click ‘read more’ below and subscribe to BBW Digital


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