Let's Debate: Social Media

On the eve of Unibrass the event’s Chairman, Andrew Straiton, discusses the wisdom of embracing the positive potential of social media for brass banding and urges restraint from online bickering… 

'The power of social media is undisputed. As Mark Zuckerberg faced expulsion from Harvard University back in 2003 for hacking into private university records, he could never have known that he was creating a website that now has 1.79 billion monthly active users. Facebook has made him the world’s youngest billionaire and is even suspected of influencing the 2016 US presidential election. How brass banding adapts to and embraces this could therefore play a pivotal role in pushing the movement forward… 

Read this article in full, featured in February’s BBW, by subscribing to BBW Digital. Alternatively, subscribe to the printed magazine delivered by post: £40 (UK); £68 (Europe); £81 (Rest of the World)

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