CYBB August auditions

The CYBB is making its annual appeal for young musicians to join it for the new season, starting in September. With eight monthly rehearsals and two residential courses from September-April each year, the CYBB offers an opportunity to work closely with well-known and talented musicians. This season Ian Porthouse, Musical Director of Tredegar Band, is the Guest Conductor at Christmas, whilst at Easter Course welcomes Paul Holland, Musical Director of Flowers Band, along with Flowers’s Soprano Player and former CYBB Musician, Paul Richards, as Guest Soloist. They will be coaching and conducting the band during the four-day residential courses, along with local tutors.
Said Phillip Hunt for the CYBB: “Being a musician in The Cornwall Youth Brass Band (CYBB) brings many benefits: the chance to make new friends; to work with the best-known and most talented conductors and soloists in the brass band world; as well as to rehearse regularly with local tutors.”
This is exampled by one musician, who left the band recently after 17 Courses to enroll at music college, observed: ‘Without the CYBB, I would not be the player I am today and would not have had the wonderful experiences that have come my way at this point in my life.’
Young brass and percussion players interested in joining the 70- strong CYBB can find all the details of membership and the simple audition at:
Photos: Ian Porthouse - Guest Conductor for this year's Christmas course; Paul Richards (collecting his solo prize at the RAH in 2015) - Guest Soloist for the 2017 Easter course
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