UK Regional judges announced

North of England: Championship, sections 3 and 4 - Dr. Roger Webster; sections 1 and 2 - Alan Morrison.

North West: Championship Section - John Berryman and Stephen Roberts; Section 1 -Colin Hardy and David Hirst; Section 2 - Mike Kilroy and David Lancaster; Section 3 - Michael Fowles and David Roberts; Section 4 - Steve Pritchard-Jones and Kevin Wadsworth. 

Midlands: Championship Section - Steve Sykes and Jim Davies; Sections 1 and 4 - David Roberts and Christopher Wormald; Sections 2 and 3 - Paul Norley and Gordon Higginbottom.

Scotland: Ian Brownbill, David Horsfield, David Thornton, Dave Barringer and Professor John Miller. The Scottish Brass Band Association has yet to decide which sections each judge will adjudicate. 

Judges for Yorkshire, the West of England and L&SC were reported in November’s BBW. Click here to subscribe to BBW.

Photo: Roger Webster

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