European Youth Brass Band Championships

The European Youth Brass Band Championships made a welcome return yesterday with eight fabulous performances on display across both sections for adjudicators Grethe Tonheim and Adam Cooke to enjoy. 

In the development section it was once again Wardle Academy Youth Band and their MD Lee Rigg that clinched victory, from the number one draw, ahead of second placed Smørås Skolemusikk, with Elland Silver Youth Brass Band completing the podium places. Wardle also celebrated their trombonist, Adam Warburton, being awarded the best soloist prize for his dazzling performance, from memory, of ‘The Bluebells of Scotland’.

The Premier Section only had two bands on this occasion, but it was certainly a case of quality over quantity with two extremely high-quality performances on show. Although Youth Brass 2000 and Chris Jeans gave a very good account of themselves and Simon Dobson’s set test, ‘A Brief Symphony of Time’ they were beaten into second place by Austria’s Catch Basin Brass Band. Under the skilful direction of MD Andreas Lackner the band delighted with their opening number, ‘Horizons’ by Paul Lovatt-Cooper, before impressing with Sparke’s ‘Flowerdale’. Their performance of Dobson’s set work was on another level with such incredible dynamic range and musical maturity. The band’s final offering of Dan Price’s ‘Starburst’ was the icing on the cake with their Soprano player, Philip Schönweger also winning the soloist prize.

Full results can be viewed below:

Premier Section Results

Test Piece: 'A Brief Symphony of Time' (Simon Dobson) and Own Choice

1. Catch Basin Brass Band (Andreas Lackner) - Austria
2. Youth Brass 2000 (Chris Jeans) - England

Best soloist: Philip Schönweger, Soprano Cornet (Catch Basin Brass Band)

Development Section Results

1. Wardle Academy Youth Band (Lee Rigg)
2. Smørås Skolemusikk (Magnus Brandseth)
3. Elland Silver Youth Brass Band (Samantha Harrison)
4. Brass Band Aukstyn (Bjørn Breistein and Remigijus Vilys)
5. South Wales Youth Band (Carol Flanary-Davies)
6. National Youth Band Scotland (John Boax)

Best soloist: Adam Warburton, Trombone (Wardle Academy Youth Band)


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