Audience adjudicate at Brass in Concert  

Following the news that there has been an adjudicator change at this year's Brass in Concert with renowned French Horn player Peter Francomb replacing Richard Martin as an entertainment judge, The Brass in Concert Championship has also announced an innovative new entertainment award. The interactive 'Audience Prize' will enable people to vote using their smartphones  for the band that they think has given them the most enjoyment on the contest day. 

Brass in Concert Chairman John Woods commented: "This is an event with wide appeal, both to contest regulars and the general public. While we do not wish to be prescriptive in what the bands present, indeed, freedom of artistic restriction is a central pillar of our mission statement, we do think that it's vital that the audience gets the musical satisfaction that it deserves."  

He added: "We are therefore delighted that the Brass in Concert audience will be able to play a tangible role in our event for the very first time. The Audience Award will see a new trophy, donated by former Brass in Concert Chairman Trevor Caffull, and £1,000 going to the band that they decide gives them most enjoyment on the day."  
Full instructions on how to take part, as well as other social media activities and a day-long trivia quiz will be unveiled at Sage Gateshead, while there will be a helpdesk with technology experts on hand to help where required.  
John concluded: "We are sure that this will become an important addition to the Brass in Concert weekend and we look forward to as many of our audience members as possible getting involved." 

A limited number of tickets for World of Brass in Concert on Saturday 18th November, featuring Brass and Voices at the Movies with Cory Band and Only Men Aloud and the Brass in Concert Championship on Sunday 19th November are available at or from the Ticket Office on 0191 443 4661. 
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